Anyone and anything that's loved by you.
.....Charlie Brown
I remembered this morning that my new blog was supposed to have a focus.
Of course, that seems like a lot of pressure. I mean, who is to say what focus looks like these days, right?
I was just talking to a friend and I asked him when he had his first kiss. He said, 13. I said: Oh, now I feel sort of slutty. Thanks, DF. :)
My first kiss took place on a really chilly (by San Diego standards) May day. I was 5 and so was J.
We were best, best, best, friends. I mean, like totally best friends. We did everything together. We went trick or treating together and we played in the dirt together and we caught frogs near the local swimming pool together. His mom would make us peanut butter cookies every Saturday morning while we watched cartoons.
Our moms were best friends and we all lived in the same apartment complex. In fact, J lived right across the courtyard from me so we would wake up every morning and run to the window to yell out the plans for our day.
Those plans usually included: Playing outside until the streetlights came on. Very rough schedule. Good times.
On the morning of my first-ever kiss, J and I were getting ready to see THE movie of the decade. Or our 5 short years. Star Wars had just opened and we were probably really annoying with our excitement. I don't remember the annoying part. I just remember knowing that we were about to see something fantastic.
On the way to the car, J stopped me and handed me a piece of candy for the ride. Then he kissed me. Our moms were watching this and asked us to do it again because they wanted a pic. So, 33 years later, I still have that pic of J and I and our first kiss.
It was magical. I mean, it included everything a girl could ask for, right? Candy, a movie to end all movies and her best friend.
Who wouldn't want to remember such a perfect first kiss, right?
J and I check in once a year and we talk about what we've done for the year. He's such a great guy and has a really fantastic family. Of course, he thinks I have this great life here in NYC. I swear those San Diegans need to get out more.