I have been wildly in love twice. Once with A's dad and once with 'The One'.
I will always love A's dad because he is a part of me through her.
'The One'? No one will ever be him. That is both wonderful and sad but I wouldn't change it for the world.
Last summer I spent time getting to know two men. One, 'The Prince' and the other 'The Actor'. They could not be more different from each other or 'The One'. Not even if they tried.
Perhaps that is how I came to let them in to my life. They each brought a different sense about life, friendship and love to me.
I hope I brought something to them. Bring? Is that the better word? They are both still in my life in different ways.
I love them both, but in that kind of love that defies traditions, logic or definition
They have each taken care of me in different ways; each listened to me; watched me cry or laugh or just left me alone to think.
Odd, these two. Two people I did not want to meet.
And here we are, a year later, and they have each shaped me through their own behaviors. I learned to trust in some ways and become more guarded in others. Or maybe it is just that I am guarded in new ways. Or I just think I am.
They have each dated women I have either known, or known about, and I have grown from that as well.
To learn what drives people to some and not others is interesting. And frightening.
30 days to write a story. I can't do that without mentioning the people who have played a role in a year I often wish I could undo. But without them, or this past year, I would not be changed. And change is good. So, here we are. A prince, an actor and a story.